Islamic Dawah Movement
IDM is primarily involved in promoting the message of Islam to all the peoples of Southern Africa. With humble beginnings in 1977, it has now grown to be one of the larger dawah organizations in the country, and the Southern African region, with over 40 years of experience, expertise and professionalism backing it.
The Mission of IDM is to promote the message of the unity of God to all the people of Southern Africa so that they may achieve their God given potential of excellence and purity; and in this way contribute to the moral, spiritual, social, intellectual and economic growth of the nations as a whole.
IDM’s Vision is to take Islam to as many hearts and homes as possible; and to help build strong Islamic characters within the emerging and established Muslim communities in Southern Africa.
The core values that underpins this movement include the belief in the Oneness of our Creator (Allah) and the prophethood of Muhammad and other great messengers (peace be upon them all), the existence of angels, revealed scriptures, personal accountability on the Day of Judgement, and life after death. The core values include the brotherhood of mankind, social justice and equity, personal hygiene, tolerance and respect for all people, and the preservation of God’s earth and all His living creatures.
IDM was established in 1977 and has since grown tremendously over 40 years of existence.
Initially IDM was a localized semi-rural centre, based in Marianhill and nearby Umlazi, called the Umlazi-Mariannhill Islamic Centre (UMIC).
As satellite Islamic Centres mushroomed in other parts of KwaZulu Natal, the name was changed to the Islamic Movement of KwaZulu and Natal (IMKAN). When the movement grew beyond the borders of the KwaZulu Natal Province and to neighbouring countries as well, it was finally renamed to the Islamic Dawah Movement of Southern Africa (IDM).
IDM has attempted to keep pace with the challenges and changing needs of dawah and education in the Southern African region. With the Qudrat of Allah (سبحانه وتعالى), and persistent and focused efforts, IDM has grown into one of the larger dawah and educational bodies in the region, which enjoys a high degree of confidence and credibility from the South African Ummah and abroad.
It has gained valuable experience and expertise over the years. As a result, IDM has developed tremendously, and now has the capacity and infrastructure to deliver quality dawah programmes in South Africa and selected regions of Southern Africa, given the funding to do so. The above strengths are vital and necessary for the furtherance of the Islamic cause in a professional and qualitative manner.
IDM’s outreach, target audience and beneficiaries are primarily the historically disadvantaged communities of Southern Africa. In the main, this encompasses primarily, people of African origin.
IDM’s core functions encompass categories that include:
Since its inception, IDM had earmarked dawah and education as top priorities amongst the entire spectrum of IDM’s endeavours. For over 40 years, thousands of people and scores of communities have benefited and been empowered through the activities of IDM.
IDM sought to reach out to the disadvantaged communities by establishing Masaajid and Islamic classes, and employing resident teachers and duaat in the different areas. At each of these centres, a whole host of activities are conducted. (See “IDM Service Snapshot”).
Little pockets of new Muslim communities mushroomed in these areas which were predominantly non-Muslim prior to the commencement of IDM’s dawah activities. This has had a positive impact socially as well as Islamically, since Islam is taking root amongst the indigenous African communities which comprise about 80% of South Africa’s population.
IDM has repeatedly experienced the power of synergy. In this regard, over the years, IDM has collaborated with scores of organisations, locally and abroad, in joint ventures, and as a united team. This synergy strategy has proven to be a win–win methodology. Allah (سبحانه وتعالى) says in the Quran “…. cooperate and help one another in acts of righteousness and piety….”(Quran 5:2).
In its comprehensive range of activities, IDM has adopted a needs-driven approach. When communities needed or required Musjids, running water, Qurans and books, classroom blocks, Imaams and teachers for various disciplines, or skills to develop and uplift themselves, IDM endeavoured to make these available to the best of its capacity and financial status.
IDM believes it is incumbent upon every individual to contribute and give back to society, besides one's own personal growth and development. This creates a society that is caring, benevolent and altruistic.
Islam is an Ummah, where individuals care for one another, help one another, and support one another. The Prophet ﷺ said, “The similitude of believers with regard to mutual love, affection and fellow-feeling is that of one body; when any limb of it aches, the whole body aches” (Muslim).
The injunction for each and every Muslim individual to be actively involved in the work of Islamic dawah, comes from none other than Allah (سبحانه وتعالى) when He says in the Quran “ Who is better in speech than one who calls to Allah, works righteousness, and says, "I am of those who bow in Islam” (Quran 41:33).
Allah (سبحانه وتعالى) further gives the methodology of dawah when He says in the Quran: “Invite to the Way of your Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching; and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious” (Quran 16:125).
(Why has IDM concentrated in building scores of Musjids?)
The Sunnah of our beloved Prophet ﷺ was to establish a Musjid, which played the role of an Islamic Community Centre, immediately he settled in a place. He initiated this in Quba and again in Madinah. The Musjid became the focal point of the nascent Muslim Community. It became the hub and centre of the religious, educational and social life of the early Muslim community. A venue for congregational prayers, meetings, social events, and all kinds of gatherings. A venue to convene consultative councils, or any other commendable activity. A refuge for the poor, needy and orphans who required care. A place for prostrating in prayer and worshipping God. The first Islamic school (Madrasah) was housed in the Prophet’s Musjid in Madina.
The Musjid therefore has a multi-faceted role. It is the centre and fulcrum around which the life of a conscientious Muslim revolves and around which the life and growth of a conscientious Muslim Ummah evolves.
Women participated freely in all the social justice programmes taking place in the Prophet’s Musjid. The Prophet ﷺ said: “Do not deprive women of their share of the Musjid when they seek permission from you”.
This was the welcoming and broader social role the Prophet ﷺ himself sought to engender for the Musjid.
Selected individuals from amongst the board members and senior staff collectively manage and administer the day-to-day affairs as well as the long-term planning of IDM.
IDM is registered with the following South African Government Departments:
Islam has the potential to harmonise the total spectrum of man’s life, and to liberate man from all forms of corruption and injustice. For over four decades, IDM has taken Islam to as many hearts and homes as possible. For over four decades, IDM has attempted to provide quality dawah and service excellence. IDM has achieved this through a comprehensive and integrated programme of Islamic dawah activities in Southern Africa.
IDM has now developed a strong foundation of experience, expertise, professionalism and excellence over the years, with the Qudrat of Allah (سبحانه وتعالى). Some of our strengths include, attempting to operate along first world standards; building capacities of people and communities; developing resilience to accommodate for expansion; and staying focused on The Path of the Quran and Sunnah.
This has enabled IDM to enjoy a high degree of confidence and credibility from the international and local community, Alhamdulillah.
IDM is currently in a favorable position to effectively enhance and accelerate the Islamisation process in the Southern African region, Alhamdulillah, so that there may be Peace, Harmony, and Justice.
And all praise belongs to Allah (سبحانه وتعالى) the Lord of the worlds.